
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Must Have Kitchen Tool

My friend Kari told me I did an nice job frosting that Banana Cake. Thanks Kari! I told her I used an off-set spatula, which makes the job a lot easier.  Do you have one? They are useful for many things--especially when you are making a layered dish in a deep-set pan. The shape of this allows you to get deeper than you can with an ordinary flat spatula. They are also great for lifting out that very first brownie or bar.


  1. I don't have one of these-but I will soon! Thanks for the tip!

  2. I don't think I have one either, though seems like we have spatulas coming out of our ears. Off to check now. Still, I'd never have considered that a tool for frosting a cake... have always used rubber spatulas. Can't wait to try it.

  3. Do you like my new pop-up comment form? :-) I have a flat spatula, cake froster thing that is specifically for that purpose, but I find I NEVER use it. I only use the off-set one.

  4. Okay...I am officially intimidated by the subject of your blog, but I am really interested in learning. I am not a great cook...I rarely bake...although it is on my bucket list to learn. I got your message on my blog, and I couldn't find you on SheWrites. Maybe you can friend request me there, and then it might be easier for a dialogue. Thanks for your comments on my own blog! MMF

  5. I have this tool and I love it too. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. Your recipes look awesome!

  6. Thank you too, Leah! I printed up your Fried Rice recipe and can't wait to try it!

  7. thanks for posting, really helps..


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