
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Chocolate Bliss Cookies

Whoever named these cookies knew what they were talking about. When you first bite into one, that is exactly how you feel. Pure bliss!

These are AMAZING! The chocolate taste is very intense and rich. The texture is smooth and chewy all at once. I don't even know how to describe it. You will have to try them for yourself, then write back and let me know what words YOU would use to describe them!

These are super easy to make too, you don't need a mixer. Mix it all with your wooden spoon.

The original recipe called for 2 whole cups of chopped walnuts but I felt that was too much, what with the price of walnuts and all. I increased the flour a bit and cut the walnuts in half. I also found that the 2nd batch turned out better than the first. Letting the cookie dough "rest" in the bowl for about 20 min. before you scoop and bake them is very helpful to let the melted chocolate and butter solidify a bit.  They won't spread as much.

This recipe came from a Baker's Chocolate advertisement.

Chocolate Bliss Cookies

1 pkg. (8 squares) Baker's Semi-Sweet Baking Chocolate
3/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup butter, softened
2 eggs, at room temp
1 tsp vanilla
3/4 cup flour
1/4 tsp baking powder
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 cup finely chopped walnuts

Preheat oven to 350-F.

In a large microwave safe bowl, melt chocolate on high for 2 minutes. Stir until smooth.  Stir in brown sugar, butter, eggs and vanilla and mix until well-blended. Stir in the flour and baking powder. Add chocolate chips and walnuts.

Scoop with 2" cookie scoop onto ungreased cookie sheet.  Bake for 13-15 minutes or until cookies are puffed and feel set to the touch. Do not over-bake.  Cool 1 minute then remove from cookie sheets to wire racks to cool completely.

Happy Baking!


  1. I am a firm believer that I can never have too much chocolate! These look sooooo good!!! Stopping by from Grateful Belly!

  2. I'm with Terri, and even though it's 6.22 a.m. I have a feeling I could inhale a plate full for breakfast! These are a definite 'have to try.' Thanks for sharing.

  3. The recipe couldn't be easier and they couldn't look more delicious! I can't wait to try them!

  4. Holy Crow!! Those look fabulous!! Anything that states bliss is definitely going to be tried in my house.

  5. We must have been in a similar mood: I just made a batch of homemade cakey brownies and threw in a handful of chocolate chips just to make sure they were good and chocolatey.

  6. These are wonderful looking cookies, so much chocolate they have to be good!

  7. ohhh, yes, baaaaby,
    These are simply
    b e a u t i f u l & Sinful. xx

  8. yum, I posted sugar cookies today, we could have a cookie party and cookies ..........andi

  9. Oh WOW - sure wish I had a glass of milk....and a few of those cookies!!! I'd woof those gorgeous treats down in nothing flat. Oh YUM! Great recipe.

  10. This looks soooo good, definitely right up my alley. Thanks for sharing!


  11. OMG,Michael Ann. Where do you come off making such delectable cookies. Now I want one--and I'm trying to watch my weight. Thanks a lot! ;)

  12. 2 cups does sound like a lot, good call! These chocolate cookies look divine.

    1. I know huh? Weird. I kept thinking it was a typo but I know it wasn't!

  13. oh yum.. I love this recipe without eave tasting it.

  14. I love these cookies! I bet they are amazingly chocolatey!

  15. I am so excited to attempt making this!

  16. Michael Ann, I've been waiting for these cookies all of my life! Oh my goodness! Talk about death by chocolate! hee hee! I have a question though. Do you know how long these will keep for? My son's the cookie monster here at home and I'll have a couple with coffee. Do you think they freeze well?

    1. Ha! Well, wait no more! You will love them. To be honest, I freeze just about every type of cookie there is. I don't even wonder if it works, I just do it, so I say "yes" they will freeze well! :-)

  17. That's a lot of chocolate, Michael Ann ;) so good! Thanks for sharing at Foodie Friends Friday!


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