
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Chocolate Chip Brownies

My mom used to bake these for us all the time. Definitely a family favorite. These are NOT just chocolate chip cookies in bar form. They are a different recipe altogether. You make the batter in a pan on the stove and there is a lot of brown sugar involved  The result is a gooey, chocolatey bar with a light, crunchy top.  Serious chocolatey goodness and SO EASY to make!  

Chocolate Chip Brownies

2 cups flour
1  tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
2/3 cup butter
2 cups brown sugar
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
1 (12oz) pkg chocolate chips
1/2 -1 cup chopped walnuts (optional)

Preheat oven to 350-F Lightly grease a 13x9" pan (or spray with PAM for baking).  

In a medium size bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients.   In a medium saucepan, melt the butter over medium-low heat. Remove from heat and stir in brown sugar and eggs.  Add dry ingredients slowly and mix until combined.  Add vanilla and walnuts.  Spread into the pan and sprinkle chocolate chips evenly on the top. Press them in slightly.  Bake 25 minutes or until lightly brown. Let cool and cut into squares. 

Happy Baking!


  1. My oh my! Brown sugar is always the way to go when it comes to choco chip cookies. Thanks for sharing. I will definitely find a reason to make these for someone soon. =)

  2. Yummy for sure, and who wouldn't like this recipe! andi

  3. Omg, Michael Ann, these look scrumptious!

  4. Made a batch of these yesterday. They are so tasty! My chocolate chips didn't sink in like they appear to have done in your picture. Next time I may stir in half of the chocolate chips (or will they melt?) and sprinkle the rest on top to avoid getting thick layer of chocolate chips on top of the bars.

    1. Yay! I'm so glad you liked them. You caught me though! Yep, the chocolate chips are not supposed to sink in. Against my better judgement, when I made this batch, I stirred them in and yes, they melted. They were a bit too gooey for my taste, so I kept the original directions to just sprinkle the chips on top. You could let the batter cool more and try stirring 1/2 in, as you suggested. What I usually do is just put them on top and use less chocolate chips. Fun to experiment!

  5. Michael Ann, it's been too long since I dropped by your place to snatch a recipe! And this one I am definitely going to snatch! Just this morning I was thinking how lovely it would be to eat a brownie with a tall glass of milk. Alas, I had knee surgery less than a week ago and can barely stand. Sigh. Nevertheless, I shall make these as soon as I can! :)

  6. These sound so good and I could go for one right now and it is 6 in the morning. Thanks for sharing on Foodie friends Friday and I hope that you will join us again this week.

  7. Darling... I think I ate the lipstick right off of my lips... xoxo

  8. Love brownies, they sound delicious.........haven't made any in sometime... Andi


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