
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Cheesecake Mousse

Do you love cheesecake but don't want to go through all the steps to make one?  This is a quick, easy and delicious alternative to serving an entire cheesecake... and it looks so pretty!

You could do a number of different things with this clever dessert. You could top it with graham cracker crumbs, a Vanilla Wafer, Shortbread or Gingersnap cookie (in lieu of crust.. .which honestly, you won't 'miss).  You could top it with whipped cream and/or any type of berry.  How about a drizzle of chocolate or caramel sauce?  The possibilities are endless!

New York Style Cheesecake Mousse
Servings: ~6

1 pkg (8 oz.) cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup confectioners' sugar
1-1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp grated lemon peel
3/4 cup heavy whipping cream, whipped

In a large bowl, beat the whipping cream. Set aside.

In medium bowl, beat the cream cheese, sugar, vanilla and lemon peel, until fluffy.  Fold in the whipped cream. Divide among single-size serving dishes. Refrigerate at least 2 hours.

Top with fresh strawberries if desired.

Recipe from Taste of Home magazine.

 Happy Baking!


  1. I want. I need. I must bite into this!! xx

  2. Years ago we did a recipe comparison one week on several cheesecake recipes...oh boy was that fun. We wrote ourselves little notes...reduce the sugar a little and this one is better than that one...night after night we cooked up the energy to bake and ate is scary even thinking about it now. This one looks easy and harmless...


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