
Thursday, August 13, 2020

Lemon Honey Mousse

Back in the early 1980s, when I was a vegetarian, I bought the famous Moosewood Cookbook by Mollie Katzen. It is full of nutritious and very yummy recipes that I still enjoy making, and this mousse is one of them.  If you love your lemon desserts, you'll really enjoy this one. It is light and fluffy and the perfect level of sweet/tart. Ok, maybe on the tart side but I enjoy that!  It does take a little time to put together and you need to start it at least 5 hours before you plan to serve it. Such a perfect summer dessert!

Makes 8-10 individual servings


3 large eggs, separated

3 TB cornstarch

juice from 6 large lemons

grated rind from 2 lemons

6 TBS honey

dash of salt

dash of cream of tarter

1 pint (2 cups) heavy cream

1/4 tsp vanilla or lemon extract (I use lemon)

1 TB honey

Separate the 3 eggs, putting the whites in a large bowl and yolks in a medium sized bowl. Let them stand until they come to room temperature. Lightly beat the yolks with a whisk.

Zest or grate 2 of your lemons onto a sheet of waxed paper or dish, and juice all six lemons.

In a small saucepan, whisk together the cornstarch, lemon juice, 6 TB honey and the lemon rind. When the mixture is smooth, cook it over low heat, whisking continually, until it starts to thicken (6-10 minutes). Remove from the heat.  Beating furiously with the whisk, pour the hot lemon mixture slowly into the egg yolks. This is so that you do not cook the egg! Beat until smooth. Refrigerate.

When the lemon-yolk mixture has cooled and begun to solidify (about 45 minutes), start beating the egg whites with an electric mixture. Add a dash of salt and a dash of cream of tarter.  When the whites form stiff (but not dry) peaks, fold them gently but thoroughly into the chilled lemon mixture.  Refrigerate it while you prepare the whipped cream.

Make sure the cream, bowl and beaters are cold. Add vanilla or lemon extract and whip on high, drizzling in the 1 TB honey while mixing.  When the cream is thick, fold it into the mousse.  Spoon the mixture into individual ramekins or pretty dishes and chill for several hours before serving. Top with berries if you wish, or a mint sprig and lemon slice.

Happy Baking!

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