
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Cranberry Orange Scones

Fall is just around the corner and I'm starting to crave those traditional fall flavors--apple, cranberry, pumpkin....  I am excited to start baking all my favorite fall recipes! This recipe for Cranberry Orange Scones fits the bill, although truthfully, I make these any time of year :-) They are delicious--moist and not overly sweet, but just sweet enough. Serve with or without butter, or with some marmalade jam. Yum!

Before you start baking, be sure to read my Baking Tips for Breads, Muffins and Scones. Enjoy!

Cranberry Orange Scones
Yields 8 scones

1 cup dried cranberries
1/4 cup orange juice
1/4 cup half-and-half  or cream
1 egg
2 cups flour
7 tsp sugar
1 TB orange zest
2 tps baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/3 cup unsalted butter, cold (or use regular butter and omit 1/2 tsp salt)
1 TB milk (for brushing on top)
Raw Sugar (for sprinkling on top)

Preheat oven to 400-F

In a small bowl, combine cranberries, orange juice, cream and egg. Set aside. In a large bowl, combine flour, sugar, orange zest, baking powder, salt and baking soda.  Cut in butter until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Add liquid mixture to dry mixture and stir until a soft dough forms.  On a floured surface, gently knead 6-8 times.  Pat dough into an 8-in. circle.  Cut into 8 wedges (a pizza roller works great).  Separate wedges and place on an ungreased baking sheet.  Brush with milk and sprinkle with raw sugar.  Bake for 12-15 min. or until lightly browned.

Happy Baking!


  1. I've never made scones. Maybe I need to add this to my to do list.

  2. These sound delicious Michael Ann! I love cranberries and orange together, and scones are a favourite. I wanted to give you the Liebster blog Award but saw that somebody else had given it to you first!

  3. Oh, thank you Elizabeth! It's nice that you thought of me! I am working on my "acceptance speech" right now and need to get it posted :-)I wanted to pass it on to YOU too! And I hope you get a chance to make the scones!

  4. Michael Ann,
    I have really been impressed with your blog and have NOMINATED YOU FOR THE LIEBSTER AWARD! Visit my blog to accept and see what it's all about.

  5. Ok, I'm always looking for yummy and nutritious things to quickly eat before heading out for my morning run. I'm totally going to try these. My first thought was "ewww, cranberries and orange mixed..." But the more I'm thinking about it, the more I think it would probably be quite tasty. I may have to snoop around your site more and see what other yummies I can find! :)


  6. These sound wonderful, I love the orange and cranberry flavors together!

  7. love scones and love orange and cranberry. these would be perfect for my oldest's birthday breakfast! thank you for linking to foodie friday!!!

  8. Delicious - can't wait to try this!!! You have a great Blog, Great name too - I'm your newest follower from vB Hopper Mania - would love a follow back and like on my FB fan page and blog

  9. I love Scones, and this recipe appeals to me. I am going to try to make it and will let you know how it went (you never know with baking)

  10. Michael Ann,

    I've always wanted to try and make scones but never had a recipe. These sound like such a perfect fall treat. I'll have to give it a whirl!

  11. OK, I should not have come here right now! You are making me hungry! That recipe looks so yummy - and I love the orange cranberry combo! Newest follower from vb.

  12. Oh, yum! I'm going to have to make these this weekend for sure. Or, maybe the blueberry coffee cake scones...too many delicious things to choose from!

    Gina from vB

  13. These sound delicious and just what my kids would love, I will definetly be trying these! Thanks for the great recipe!

  14. Michael Ann,
    I've never had a scone but it sounds perfectly delightful (said with a British accent). I might just give it a try!

  15. How come the bowl in your picture isn't green?
    Sorry, I couldn't resist.
    I'm not much of a cooker, haven't eaten yet today (it's already 12:30pm) and I want to eat the screen.
    Visiting from voiceBoks!

  16. Love scones. I've made them before but your recipe sounds like I need to make them again! Visiting from voiceboks member to remember. Have a great day.

  17. Scones so yummy for autumn!
    Visiting from voiceBoks
    Thanks, Becky Jane

  18. Oh yes, dear, I will be making these next weekend...cranberries and scones are delish-now, how do you think they would be with a drizzle of dark chocolate?

  19. So excited to see this recipe! These scones are my favorite at SBux but so expensive there. Can't wait to make them with my daughter :) Stopping by from vB.

  20. Mmmmm. . . yummy! I'm with you. I love the tastes of fall. These sound great! stopping by from vB members to remember!
    Heartfelt Balance Handmade Life

  21. In making this recipe, I'm sure you can fill the whole house with that wonderful scent of orange and spice. Yum :)
    It's great to read your recipes.
    Wishing you a wonderful day,
    Español para Niños (Spanish for Kids)

  22. I always think scones will be too complicated, but really they are pretty simple, huh. Thanks for a great recipe! Visiting from vB,

  23. A cup of tea and a warm scone sounds absolutely lovely right now. Might have to give these a try this afternoon!

  24. These look so good. Love the combination of tastes on this one. The picture is stunning as well. I think butter would be remarkable on these. But now I'm thinking about marmalade. Lol!

  25. What a delicious combination of flavours for a scone. I bet they smell and taste gorgeous straight out of the oven! I would love one of these with plain old butter! Yum!

    Best wishes,

    PS Thanks so much for following my Christmas blog. It's lovely to meet you!

  26. Thank you so much for visiting Recipe Roundup! I also love scones and the pumpkin were the first ones I have ever made. I am so excited to see cranberry/orange- that's one of my favorites. I'm quite positive I'll be trying all of these recipes!

  27. Thanks for the comment on my blog! These scones look so good - I always make ones with just raisins, but this looks so good I'll have to try them!
    As for Downton Abbey - The first season aired on PBS (it's not out on DVD), the second season just started in Britain but will start here after Christmas, I think! It's a great show!


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