
Monday, December 26, 2011

Selma's Oatmeal Cookies

I have no idea who Selma is, but I like her cookies. This recipe was given to me by my friend Jean, and it comes from the I Hate to Cook Cookbook by Peg Bracken. What a title!

These are a different type of oatmeal cookie. They have a crunchy crust outside but are chewy on the inside, which is a combo I really love. The taste of cinnamon, brown sugar, and walnuts is lovely. It reminds me of Apple Jacks cereal. ☺ Try them and let me know if you agree! 

Selma's Oatmeal Cookies

1 cup shortening
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
1-1/2 cup flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
1-1/2 cup quick oats
3/4 cup walnuts, finely chopped

*This dough needs to sit in the refrigerator for an hour so don't preheat your oven yet.

In a large bowl, mix shortening and sugars with beater until well-combined. Add egg and vanilla and mix until fluffy. Beat in flour, soda and cinnamon. Stir in oats and walnuts.

Cover and chill for 1 hour.

Preheat oven to 350-F.

Scoop walnut-sized cookies onto cookie sheet. Roll into balls. Butter the bottom of a small glass, dip it in granulated sugar, and use the glass to flatten cookies a little. You don't need to re-butter the glass, just dip into sugar for each cookie.

Bake for 8-10 minutes, until golden. Remove from cookie sheet after a minute, and let cook on rack. Store in airtight container.

Happy Baking!


  1. Looks yummy! Thanks so much for visiting my site. I appreciate your positive feedback. Very encouraging! I like your site too and really like how you have a printer friendly version. Can you share with me how you added that feature? My e-mail is Thanks!! I look forward to trying some of your baked goods! - Kristi -

  2. I love that book title! These cookies look yummy. I'll have to try some after these Christmas goodies are all gone.

  3. I'd also love to learn about the "print friendly" feature. My mom prints my blog posts for my dad to read since he won't sit at the computer.

  4. These look great! Thanks for sharing at Mrs Foxs Sweet Party :)

  5. About the printer button...I had some help from a blogger computer dude. It's just HTML code, but I somehow messed it up and had to get some help. I don't even know the guy so can't tell you who it was! If you google "printer friendly" I'm sure the code will come up and you can just cut and paste. It goes in your POST code though, not on your blog design.

  6. MMMMM...I love oatmeal cookies!! Another one I'm going to have to try. Thanks Michael Ann!

  7. These cookies remind me of the 'Oatmeal Crispies' my mom always made as a kid. I'll have to compare recipes!

  8. These cookies look amazing! I am definitely going to have to give them a try! xo

  9. Apple Jacks cereal?! I used to love that! Haha! I bet these cookies taste amazing. Crunchy, chewy cookies are the best! :)

  10. I spotted these cookies on my blog, I think they sound good, I love cookies, I just made yesterday some sugar cookies that I will post this week and the best. I put them in freezer so I would stay out of them, but I want one!
    for printing recipes on your blog, which I want also, I just printed off on how to get started doing this. check it out. I hope to do this soon. Andi

  11. I LOVE oatmeal; cookies, cereal, name it!

    Thanks for posting on my blog, Michael Ann. You DO deserve to be happy! You mirrored my thoughts precisely. So, exactly what kind of big girl panties do you prefer? I like the VS cotton hipsters! :)

  12. LOL! Nancy, I think I'll plead the 5th on that one!

  13. Perfect...I'm taking this receipe to the store tomorrow so I get all the right stuff. Dang this sounds amazing...crunchy outside, mushy inside...oh yeah!!!!



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