
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Lemon Bundt Cake

You know I love lemons and lemony recipes. My Meyer Lemon tree is bursting with fruit right now and I am eager to take advantage of it. I have a bowl on my kitchen table filled with lemons and my kitchen smells wonderful!

Along with the Meyer Lemon Cake recipe I have already posted, this recipe is one of my lemon favorites. The cream cheese frosting is really delicious. A slice of this cake is like a slice of Heaven!

This recipe comes from the March 2006 edition of Good Housekeeping magazine.

Lemon Bundt Cake

3 lemons
3 cups flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 cup butter, softened
2 cups sugar
4 large eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 cup buttermilk*

2 cups powdered (confectioners') sugar
1/2 cup butter, softened
4 oz. cream cheese, softened
2 TB fresh lemon juice
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 325-F. Grease and flour (or us PAM cooking spray for baking) a 12-cup Bundt pan.

From your three lemons, grate 2 TB lemon peel and squeeze 3 TB juice.

In a small bowl, whisk together flour, salt and baking soda.

In a large bowl, beat butter and sugar on low speed to mix, then on high for 3 minutes. On low, beat in eggs, 1 at a time, and vanilla. Beat in flour mixture alternately with buttermilk. (*Remember, if you don't have buttermilk on hand, measure 1 tsp. of cider vinegar or lemon juice into a measuring cup, then fill to 1 cup with milk.)  Fold in lemon zest and juice; spoon into pan.

Bake 50-60 minutes. Cool in pan 15 minutes, then invert onto rack and cool completely.

For the frosting, in a large bowl, with mixer on low speed, blend sugar, butter and cream cheese. Beat in juice and vanilla. On high, beat until fluffy. Spread over cake.

Happy Baking!


  1. Thanks for the recipe Michael Ann, I just happen to have three more lemons! What would I do without you?

  2. I am salivating right now. The icing on that cake makes me want to eat the computer. I'm making that soon. Even if it's just for me.

    1. Laughing! I can just picture you licking the screen :-)

  3. One of the reasons I like to make bunt cakes is that I don't feel like I have to frost them, but now you have made it look worth the effort! Yum!

    1. Oh, I hear ya. It is unusual to have a frosted bundt cake. Cut seriously, do NOT leave this frosting off. It is to DIE for. You NEED the frosting. All the people who have had a slice of this cake have commented on the frosting!

    2. Noticed Meyer lemons aT the grocery store yesterday for the first time! Thought of you! Tagged you in an award meme thingy!

  4. ---O, MY!
    This looks spectacular :)

    And I adoooore Lemon.

    I shall make this. thank you!

  5. That is one beautiful cake Michael Ann! It sounds simply divine, although I might leave off the frosting.

  6. Those are my sentiments exactly...THAT IS ONE BEAUTIFUL CAKE! My mama always swirled the frosting, so that special touch makes it even more inviting for me. =D How wonderful you have your own lemons and can have a bowlfull in your kitchen. What a great fragrance.

  7. MA- When my weekends settle down a bit I'm definitely making this one- looks easy and delicious!

  8. Michael Ann, here I come with the questions again! Any ideas for buttermilk substitutions that actually work? I ask because buttermilk is not something I generally stock. I love, love lemon cake! Would you believe I pay two euros for a slice at the Starbucks here? And I'm certain is not a fraction as good as yours! I can't wait to try this recipe! :)

  9. I am so jealous you have a lemon tree! We've tried three times to grow one and have killed it every time. :( This cake is so pretty and it sounds so good, I can almost taste it.

  10. You make everything look so gorgeous!! Lemon is one of my favorites too, and simple bundt cake is even better. This would be perfect for one of my church luncheons....

  11. Just 'shared' this recipe on Facebook Michael Ann. It was absolutely delicious and my friends loved it, saying I had outdone myself. Pretty good praise I would say!

    1. Thank you so much, Elizabeth! I'm so glad your friends enjoyed it so much too. Yes, that is mighty nice praise! :-)

  12. Buttermilk is my fav to cook with, and to grow your own lemons! I can't imagine growing lemons, have live in cold climate my entire life. But I would love to be able. Maybe in my dreams. Have a great weekend and happy st paddy's day Michael Ann...........andi

  13. Hi Michael,

    Love, love, love this cake. I absolutely have to try it. Haven't seen you around lately. Are you still on She Writes?

  14. oh yum!!! I can tell by the picture and ingredients this will be a hit in out house. I made strawberry cake last night that went over just ok..
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  15. I hope you don't mind Darling... but I used you as my example... xoxo

  16. Now that the weather is warmer and more like Spring, I can't wait to try this. Wouldn't some fresh strawberries on top be good with it?
    I hope you'll check in with me often, let me know how the transition is progressing, from one Xanax fan to another. <3

    1. LOL!!! Hooray for Xanax! :-) Ooo, yes, I think strawberries would be lovely on this! Lemon and strawberry is good. I will continue to check in Nancy, I like to keep up with how you are doing.

  17. Oh, I love this cake! I had forgotten where the recipe came from though. I have made it at least three times. A great Spring recipe! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    1. Oh wow, that is great! Thank you for letting me know how much you love it!

  18. OMG, this cake looks amazing! And I love lemon. It's a flavor I crave as much as chocolate.

    But I have to tell you, I "followed" your blog ages ago, but have not been receiving any announcements/emails re new posts. So, I was thinking, maybe I didn't follow it. Just now I clicked on the tab at the top and it told me that I am following it. So I wonder why it's leaving me in the dark, missing all these fabulous recipes?? Anyway, I think I'm going to also sign up via email to see if that works for me. Wish me luck!

  19. Ooohh, that is one gorgeous crumb to your cake. And I love the idea of a lemon cream cheese frosting instead of a glaze like other cakes.

  20. I made this last night. I think it is like a pound cake and very tasty. The icing is amazing and looks very pretty.

  21. Well thank you so much for coming back to let me/us know! I agree, it is much like a pound cake with delicious icing :-) So glad you enjoyed it!

  22. This sounds great! I love lemon cake.

    One question - you say you bake every day. How on earth do you eat so much baking?! :)

    1. I have two teenage boys and all their friends.. :-) Plus I freeze stuff AND give a lot away.

  23. This looks amazing. I love lemon stuff, too. Gavin and I will have to give it a go!

  24. This is beautiful, and I love anything lemon. Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday!


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