
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Peanut Butter Cream Sandwich Cookies

If you like Nutter Butter cookies, you will enjoy these as well. Traditional peanut butter cookies are made extra special sandwiched with a peanut butter and marshmallow cream filling. They are easy to make but look and taste like they took a lot of effort!

This recipe comes from a magazine clipping I keep in my binder, but I don't know which magazine it was!

Peanut Butter Cream Sandwich Cookies


1/2 cup chunky peanut butter
1/2 shortening
1 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. baking soda
1/8 tsp. salt
1-1/4 cups flour

Cream Filling:

3/4 cups chunky peanut butter
3/4 cup marshmallow creme
3 TB milk

Preheat oven to 350-F.

In a large bowl, beat peanut butter and shortening with electric mixer on medium speed for 30 seconds.  Add brown sugar, egg, and vanilla.  Beat until combined. 

Beat in baking soda, salt and as much flour as you can. Stir in any remaining flour.

Form dough into balls, using a level teaspoon each.  Place 1-1/2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheet. Flatten a bit by making crisscross marks with a fork dipped in flour.

Bake 6-7 minutes or until edges are lightly browned. Cool on baking sheet for a minute, then transfer to a wire rack to cool.

Whisk together ingredients for Peanut Cream Filling. Spread one teaspoon filling on flat side of half of cookie. Top with another cookie. 

Store in airtight container at room temperature up to 3 days.


  1. Oh my gosh!! Those look delicious, and I love NutterButter cookies....

  2. Wild thing! You make my heart sing!!! All my New Years Resolutions have gone the way of the dinosaur and I'm inhaling your recipes again girlfriend!

  3. Better eat my oatmeal raisin cookies faster so I can make these! Oh my!

    1. :-) Or put them in a ziploc bag and freeze them! :-)

  4. My oh my! These look creamy & dreamy! I'm not wild about marshmallows, but do love the fluff and that filling has to be da bomb!

    1. Marsha, I could have sat down with that bowl of fluff and eaten it all by itself :-) Would make a great frosting on a chocolate cookie or cupcake!

  5. Michael Ann, I remember eating nutter butter cookies when I was a child! Remember the packaging--with the big peanut? Ha! You had me at marshmallow filling! I love anything with marshmallow. :)

  6. O-M-G! That is so freaking amazing looking....

    Welp, that's mirror and scale will hate me for life but I am making those this weekend!


    1. I gained 2 lbs this week! I am blaming these cookies....

  7. oh my i love the look. i want one andi

  8. M.A. I think I have a new favorite cookie :-). We have a bake sale at our church tomorrow and I decided to try all recipes from your Blog (Valentine Crunchies are an all time fav., Lemon Crinkles I liked and the Brownie Oatmeal was good, but the P.B. filled cookies are awesome.) Thanks for a great and fun Blog honey - Love Aunt Bonnie

  9. Oh wow, thank YOU for writing this comment! I have to admit, I ate most of the these ones myself :-) They are addicting! I'm sure your bake sale will go well! Love you!

  10. One look at these cookies and I know I'm destined to make them. Pinning these.

  11. I have newly discovered your blog and I'm in love. Thanks for the yummy nights. I'm making these tomorrow.


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