
Monday, November 26, 2012

Perfect Apple Pie

I have a huge box of Golden Delicious apples that a friend gave me. I made Cake Mix Apple Crisp,  applesauce, and of course I had to bake an apple pie. I usually use Granny Smith apples when I bake, but to be honest, I think I'm going to switch to sweeter apples like Golden Delicious from now on. You can use less sugar and the taste and texture are fabulous.

So here's my trusty recipe for Perfect Apple Pie, straight from my Better Homes and Gardens cookbook. I always make my own crust and the recipe comes from the same cookbook, although I made a few changes. It's easy to roll out and bakes flaky every time!

Perfect Apple Pie  

Preheat oven to 400-F


6 to 8 apples, peeled and thinly sliced (6 cups)
3/4 - 1 cup sugar (less if using sweeter apples)
2 TB flour
1 tsp cinnamon
2 TB butter
Pastry for 2-crust 9-inch pie

Combine sugar, flour, cinnamon, and a dash of salt; mix with apples.  Line 9-inch pie plate with pastry.  Fill with apple mixture; dot with butter.  Roll out your top crust large enough to overlap the edges of pie plate.  Place on top of pie filling. Tuck top crust under edge of lower crust.  Crimp with a fork or flute with your fingers.  Prick  top of crust with a fork or make decorative slices with a knife to vent steam.  Sprinkle with sugar.

To prevent the edges from getting too brown, fold strips of foil around the rim of the crust.  You can also buy pre-made crust protectors that work really well.

Bake at 400-F for 50 minutes or until crust is golden. Serve warm or cold with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream. The longer it cools, the firmer the apple filling gets.

Plain Pastry
For two 8, 9 or 10-inch crusts

2 cups flour
1 tsp salt (I use 1/2 tsp)
2/3 cup shortening (I mix butter and shortening)
5 - 7 TB cold water

In a large bowl, whisk together flour and salt.  Cut the shortening in with a pastry cutter til crumbly.  Add 4 TB water and toss with a fork. Add more water 1 TB at a time until it forms a ball.  Divide  dough in half. Roll into two large enough circles to fit your pie tin.

Happy Baking!


  1. No shortening available here - at least not the correct kind for pie crusts. Do you have any recommendations for a good pie crust that doesn't include shortening? We have missed "real" apple pies since moving to Aus. This recipe is making me want one again!

    1. Really? No Crisco? Let me check with my aunt, who is a wonderful pie baker. I don't think she uses shortening in her crusts.... I'll get back to you on this!

  2. YUM! That looks beautiful. I would love a big piece warmed up topped with ice cream. OH MY! I've been missing you Michael Ann...hope you are doing well. I know it's a very busy time of year. XO

    1. Oh thank you, Marsha, that is so nice. Yes, I've just been busier and not baking like I used to. Thank you for always visiting here!

  3. OMG, that pie sure looks good. I can practically smell the aromas of cinnamon and apples. Yum! I just love your recipes and photos, Michael Ann. Nice!

    1. Thank you, Monica! Thank you for always checking out my recipes too :)

  4. I haven't made an apple pie in ages...good 'ol BH an G recipes!

  5. The pie looks beautiful........I made a apple pie for thanksgiving and purchased a few different kinds of apples but all I wrote down was that I used Braeburn.....It was the best that I have ever made...don't ya just love that....So I tryed looking thus grocery slips but no listing. I think I got them at the farm stand......oh well, just have to try another one and use golden's! your picture with the rolling pin is beautiful...and the rolling pin matches your green bowl take care chat later andi


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