
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Christmas Round Up!

I'm busy in the kitchen this week, whipping up some of our favorite Christmas cookies. Have you started your holiday baking yet?

I always enjoy making cookie trays or tins for my friends and family. I have found the best way to do that is to bake them over a weekend and put each type of cookie or candy in its own container in the freezer. Tins, Tupperware and even shoe boxes work well.  When I'm ready to make the tray, I remove all the boxes from the freezer, arrange my cookies, and put the rest back in the freezer. Simple!

Once I bake all our favorites, I am free to try new recipes throughout the month. I'm always in search of a new favorite to add to the mix!

I was experimenting with creating a photo collage, which was fun, but I couldn't figure out how to link the photos to the recipes. So I'll just list them here, starting with  the Almond Crunch in the bowl, and going clockwise:

Almond Crunch
Selma's Oatmeal Cookies
Chocolate Sherry Cream Bars
Rocky Road
Old Fashioned Sugar Cookies
Almond Roca Squares

Happy Baking!


  1. Your collage turned out great...your recipes LOOK fantastic too! I do the same loading up my freezer so I'm ready for anything. =) Will be checking these lovely recipes out. Thanks so much for sharing. I need to get to the kitchen now myself...

    1. Well, thank you Marsha. You are such a great supporter and I appreciate it!!

  2. Mmmmmm,
    I can see you are quite busy...and I am sure that your friends will LOVE receiving these lovely sweet platters for Christmas.

    My address is: Just Kidding! xx

  3. These all look delicious! My daughter will soon be home and she's become the baker in our house. Can't wait to show her these recipes.


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